Lately I've been full speed ahead with my writing (I got to 20k in 9 days, and usually takes me at least 3 months to get that type of word count), but last night I felt myself really annoyed with my writing. I was writing words just so I could fill a page. For now I've come to realize me and midterms AND writing don't mix, so I'm dropping my work-in-progress until Friday at 2:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. I need time to focus on those essays I've been totally not putting off and relaxing...if I can. ;-)
A definite up was I went to a local Barnes and Noble's with a friend and met Jodi Picoult. Yup, Jodi Picoult of "My Sister's Keeper", "The Pact", "Nineteen Minutes" and her newest novel "House Rules." Unfortunately I didn't get to talk to her much, except to say I loved her books, but she did sign my copy of "House Rules." Which is very, very cool.

After the signing, my friend and I got lunch at the mall's food court. We ate, talked, complained about our upcoming English Lit. in-class essay, and then who do we see walk by us but Jodi! Like the good English-Creative Writing majors we are, we do some giggling and stalking. Then, she walks by us again. She turned toward us and I waved. Not only did Jodi wave back, but she gave me the biggest grin I've ever seen. I honestly felt like it was me who was the NYT Bestselling author. ;-)
Then after much window shopping/trying on clothes but not getting anything, we went back to our dorm and I went to study for my Spanish exam. I was pretty confident. I'd done everything I thought I could do in preparation for this test, and I went in knowing I studied and worked my butt off. However, coming out of the exam, I felt like I had done horribly. Now I don't know about you, but I feel there's nothing suckier than coming out of a test feeling like you did horribly.
Well, I went on Facebook to check if anyone had written anything on my wall because, well, Facebook is addicting like that. Lo and behold was this message from a friend. It made my night better. It erased the fact that I felt bad about my test. As corny as this sounds, it turned my frown upside down:
I just want you to know that I've been keeping up with your progress and I'm very proud of you. Whenever I think I can't do something I just think to myself "Rachel's making it happen and so can I." :)
*cue the crying*
In other news, I vlog with Kristin (who, by the way, more or less made me join Blogger by stating it was easier than Livejournal). Last night during a break from one my papers, I finally vlog responded. It includes a dance party. Don't believe me? Check it out here:
Alright, I have to go and write more of that paper.
Good luck on your midterms and papers!
ReplyDeleteIt's very difficult to juggle school work and writing and still retain your sanity. Sometimes, school just has to take precedence. I hope your writing will get better after midterms are over.
And sweet messages never fail to brighten one's day. :)
Thanks! Two papers need to finished and *one* more midterm needs to be taken.
ReplyDeleteI think my writing will get better after midterms are over. I made the mistake of thinking I'd have the concentration level I had this past weekend/earlier this week, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
How were your exams?
Writing and school and I? Yeah, they don't mix. I haven't been able to write at all this quarter because I've been so busy churning out one paper after another. I look forward to 4pm PDT on March 17...
ReplyDeleteFun to get a glimpse of college life again. Thanks for following!
ReplyDeleteSteph- Writing and college for me mix. Writing, me and exams? Not so much. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteCaroline- You're welcome! Your blog is so informative; how could I not follow it? (I love historical novels too.) :-)
Rachel, I love you and your stalking tendencies.
ReplyDeleteP.S--I'm still jealous, but glad that you got to meet Jodi. She's great!